Versatility and Convenience - 3M™1A1 Series Lube and Hydraulic Filter Housing


If you need Lube and Hydraulic Filter Housings for a range of application conditions, the team from PowerFlow has the right solution for you. We offer multiple series to choose from, and each one is designed with features for versatility, convenience and durability!

One of our most versatile:

Consider 3M™ 1A1 Series Filter Housings for small, low pressure Hydraulic and Lube Oil applications. It is an all-metal two-piece construction, designed for durability and extended service life.

  • Center post design enables easy and quick cartridge change-outs.
  • Mounting pads (sold separately) are predrilled to match perfectly with the mounting holes. Also includes self-tapping screws eliminating the need for additional fitting and drilling.
  • Shouldered seal plates fit solidly into the cartridge core for a positive cartridge seal.

For additional information visit the next time you filter housings. PowerFlow Fluid Systems has everything you need for your Lube and Hydraulic Filtration needs!

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