Lube and Hydraulic Filter Housing


PowerFlow Fluid Systems is a multifaceted supplier of Lube and Hydraulic Filter Housings. There are many applications with an array of features and design criteria. As authorized distributors for industry-leading manufacturers we offer choices and versatility. For example, the iconic Donaldson Duramax Spin-on filter assembly offers a multitude of features, capacities and arrangements. For high pressure filtration in a duplex configuration, we present options like Hydac's FMND Series and Donaldson's DPK 2400 Series, enabling customers to select high quality solutions that meet their needs. In addition to these, PowerFlow offers the full line of Donaldson and Hydac low, medium and high pressure lube and hydraulic filter housings and assemblies. These products are known for their performance, durability and versatility.

Complementing our outstanding collection of filters, PowerFlow offers free onsite evaluation of all fluid filtration and conditioning systems. Our technicians and field sales specialists have years of experience and factory training in evaluation and mitigation of fluid contamination. Reach out to us by phone (+1 816-531-3800), email ( or through our website ( for questions or to schedule an onsite consultation.

If you need lube and hydraulic housings and have a supplier diversity program, how about this for value? PowerFlow is certified as a Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) and a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) through the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation's largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the US.

Experience our unrivaled combination of exceptional customer support, filtration expertise, durable lube and hydraulic filters and onsite service.

© 2024 Traveller Tom, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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