Enhance Your Operations with PowerFlow XLP Series Oil Purification Systems


PowerFlow XLP Series lube and hydraulic oil purifiers offer exceptional value through innovative design. These oil purifiers combine advanced dehydration technology with high-capacity, absolute-rated filtration to efficiently remove water, particulates, and gases from lubrication and hydraulic oils. Utilizing a packed bed mass transfer tower under moderate vacuum and temperature, the XLP Series removes 100% of free and emulsified water and gases, and up to 90% of dissolved water and gases, without the need for high heat, deep vacuum, or submicron filtration. This ensures that the oil's quality is maintained, extending its lifespan and efficiency.

Key features of the XLP Series include PLC automation for extended continuous run times, a variable-speed discharge pump, and high-capacity filter elements. The innovative dry claw vacuum pump minimizes maintenance requirements, making the XLP Series the best value in the industry. Available in models for 5, 10, 20, and 50 gpm oil flow rates, these purifiers are designed to meet various operational needs.

Optimize your oil purification process with the PowerFlow XLP Series, and experience unparalleled efficiency and reliability.

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