Donaldson Duromax® HMK05/25 Series Spin-on Filters


PowerFlow Fluid Systems is an authorized distributor for Donaldson Duromax® HMK05/25 Series spin-on filters. HMK05 (single) and HMK25 (double) Duromax® spin-on filter elements are perfect for medium pressure, high-flow applications. The double filter head provides twice the contaminant holding and flow capacity. Both assemblies use the same filter elements, featuring a heavy-duty can body and die cast top plate. Choose either wire mesh or Donaldson's exclusive Synteq synthetic filter media. A unique head-to-canister O-ring seal prevents any possibility of leakage. Both fluorocarbon and nitrile seals are available. HMK05/25 series filters offer a range of indicator types and by-pass options and are part of Donaldson's mix and match system of filter heads, housings and media choices. Configure exactly what you need.

PowerFlow Fluid Systems supports industrial sustainability with innovative and environmentally responsible solutions for optimizing performance of virtually all fluid systems throughout the plant.

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