Did you know that PowerFlow sells 3M™ Liqui-Cel™?


When you require high water quality without contamination, 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contractors offer an ideal solution for reliable and efficient gas control with low extractables. Unlike conventional Forced Draft Deaerators or chemical alternatives 3M Liqui-Cel are closed systems that may help reduce the risk of introducing environmental contaminants and do not require chemicals to operate.

Dissolved Gas Control

  • Various capacity options to meet process flow and performance requirements
  • Stainless steel housing options for hot sanitization
  • Compact design that operates in-line
  • Low extractables and chemical-free operation

Some of the sparkle, taste and texture of our favorite drinks are due to controlled levels of dissolved gases. 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors operate in-line and provide precise dissolved gas control in a compact design enabling a small system footprint. Whether it's deoxygenation to help protect shelf life or adding fizz, gas control with 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors may help improve product quality, boost production efficiency and consistency in process steps where gas transfer is critical, such as blending or dilution.


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