3M™ 100 Series Filter Bags


PowerFlow Fluid Systems is an authorized distributor for 3M™ 100 Series Filter Bags featuring polypropylene microfiber filter media for high efficiency particle retention of very fine particles. 3MTM series filters remove 90% of particles at the indicated application ratings. In addition, these filter bags are capable of adsorbing unwanted trace oils which may be present in the processed fluids. This series of filter bags is completely free from silicone and adhesives and manufactured with FDA CFR-21 listed materials. The polypropylene construction provides broad chemical compatibility. The filter has a large filtration surface area providing an oil holding capacity of 10 times or more of the filter's own weight. These bags are available in both size #1 and #2 configurations, in grades from 1.5 and 34 microns initial efficiency. Our 3MTM filter bags provide a perfect balance of economy and filtration performance.

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