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PowerFlow Fluid Systems Fluid Systems is an authorized distributor of 3M™ 500 Series Filter Bags. These bags incorporate a proprietary media with bypass layers that significantly improve dirt holding capacity of the filter media. Since most the contaminant is captured within the media, handling during change-outs is cleaner and easier. Series 500...

PowerFlow Fluid Systems is an authorized distributor for 3M™ 100 Series Filter Bags featuring polypropylene microfiber filter media for high efficiency particle retention of very fine particles. 3MTM series filters remove 90% of particles at the indicated application ratings. In addition, these filter bags are capable of adsorbing unwanted trace...

The unique design of 3M DF Series filter bags provides end-users measurable performance advantages. Combining graded porosity media with concentric cylinder geometry results in 62% more filtration area and 67% lower fluid hold-up volume. This extends filter service life by up to 4 times, lowers energy usage and reduces product loss and labor cost.

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